Sunday, February 3, 2008

There are no stars in the sky and that is why

I was looking at the sky noticing how few stars you can see. Even on a clear night in the city, only a few of the brightest stars will make it through the multitudes of artificial lights. A thought came to me.
My theory is that at least in part, some of the problems of the inner city (drop out rates, schools, crime, bigotry, poverty, the lack respect for themselves, others, and nature) is due to the city lights. At night you cannot see any stars. People have lost there sense of wonder. They can't look up in the sky in awe and realize the magnificence of the universe, and wonder at their place it. --just a thought.

1 comment:

  1. if anyone had ever been to mountain areas, which I did, the peach-black sky full of stars would definitely blow one's mind!
