Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Fixing things...

After a long hiatus, I finally started updating the Pigment Database again. Sickness, my real job and other issues have kept me from continuously updating the site as I would like to. I have fixed all the dead links on the Color Charts page, they should all work now, if you find any that don't let me know.
I am also updating the info on many of the pigments, adding some new pigments & paint brands, correcting some typos & outright errors and fixing a bunch of dead links to references etc. This is a long and tedious process so it will take a while to do everything, and by the time that is done, there will be more to do.
Thanks for your patience while I update everything, expect to still find a few dead links and probably some new typos ...

Thought for the day;

"This is my favorite shade to paint with, Cadmium Red Deep. It's so RED, it looks like blood, it's angry, it's vibrant, it's vivid, and it says everything I want it to say, so I don't have to say anything" -  Jaleesa Moses on her YouTube channel